Speaking & Listening

There’s a wide range of Speaking & Listening English exams available for you to check your level and help you improve your confidence and skill level. Although each exam may be slightly different, these speaking tips will help you to score highly in the speaking portion of any exam.

1. Research the test you will be taking

Information about how your test will be structured is available on the websites of the authorized testing organization. Make sure you read the details carefully or ask your teacher to explain it. You’ll feel more confident if you know what to expect in your exam.  It’s important to understand what you are likely to be asked, and to have the knowledge and vocabulary to answer the questions fully and accurately and pass your test.

2. Make sure you answer the questions

By reading specimen test questions, and examples of good answers you can improve your skills and the fluency of your answers.  However, don’t try to remember exact answers in any examples – remember to listen and understand the examiner’s direct question before you answer.  The questions you are asked may be different, or asked in a different way, to the example questions and answers you have studied.  The examiner will be trained to listen and make sure you are answering the exact question, not a similar question that you may have read and rehearsed.  Pay attention to the question and make sure you listen to the questions or read them carefully and answer all the points needed. It’s fine to add more information but make it your priority to cover all the information you need to give in order to fully answer the main question first.

3. Prepare well but don’t memorize answers

Make sure you can cover all the basic information that you know you will need for the exam. Think about how to talk about your past, the present, and your aims and ambitions for the future. Of course, you can talk about things you like (and don’t like), your daily life and the place where you live. These are all common topics asked about in the opening questions of speaking exams. But remember to answer the question you are being asked, not an answer you may have remembered from other examples. 

4. Learn some specialized vocabulary related to your life and interests

The range and vocabulary you use in answering the questions will affect the mark you are awarded by the examiner. If you can use specific , or more advanced vocabulary, you can gain additional marks.

For example, compare these two statements:

“I have a pet cat. She stays alone at my home when I am at work.”

“I have a cat at home, she’s a tabby cat, and she keeps me company. When I’m away from home she has plenty of toys to play with - but like most cats, I think she sleeps a lot, too!”

Being specific in your answer, and adding additional points to your answer, and using good sentence structures, and even a smile, will help you achieve good marks.

5. Keep an eye on the time

Some exams and tests have time limits.  Make sure you answer the questions well, using good language skills, but be careful to leave yourself time to answer all the questions.

6. Listen, think, breathe, then answer

Listen to the question, think about your answer, and then take a breath before you answer. It will give you time to think, you’ll have plenty of air in your lungs to speak nice and clearly, and it will make you feel more confident. Don’t try to answer the question with one sentence, or one breath.  Think how you can break the question down into individual points and have a pause, and a breath, as you answer the question fully.  Remember to answer the examiners question, not ones that you have remembered from your studies.  And don’t hurry to answer.

So, remember these important points: 

    • Research the test you will be taking, and how it is structured – know any time limits
    • Make sure you answer the question you have been asked
    • Prepare well, but don’t memorize answers
    • Learn, and use, some special vocabulary – give added value to your answer
    • Keep an eye on the time – answer the question well but don’t waste time with lengthy answers
    • Try and keep calm, relaxed, and smile.  Smiling helps you make a good impression, makes you feel happier and more confident